Why Our Therapies are different?

We are uniquely equipped with skills

Behaviour Therapy

Behaviour modification refers to the techniques used to try and decrease or increase a particular type of behaviour or reaction. Therapists use it to promote healthy behaviors in their patients. Behaviour modification relies on the concept of conditioning. Conditioning is a form of learning. There are two major types of conditioning; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning relies on a particular stimulus or signal.The second type is known as operant conditioning, which involves using a system of rewards and/or punishments.
We at Blooming Buds glean on these techniques using different approaches to weaken or extinguish undesired responses, develop or strengthen desired responses, bring responses under stimulus control so that they occur only as desired.

Speech Therapy

Speech-Language Therapy addresses challenges with language and communication. It can help people with speech delays and autism improve their verbal, nonverbal, and social communication. The overall goal is to help the child communicate in more useful and functional ways.
Communication and speech-related challenges vary from child to child. Some children on the autism spectrum are not able to speak. Others love to talk, but have difficulty holding a conversation or understanding body language and facial expressions when talking with others.
We provide treatment, support and care for children who have difficulties with communication, poor strength in muscles of the mouth, jaw and neck, unclear speech sounds, difficulty matching emotions with the correct facial expression, difficulty understanding body language, difficulty responding to questions and so on.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy often focuses on gross motor skills, fine motor, visual perception, memory issues, handwriting difficulties, school readiness, play skills, developmental delays, self-care issues, toileting – encopresis/ enuresis/ delays, dressing and most other functional difficulties. Occupational Therapy strategies can also help to manage sensory issues.
At Blooming Buds the  Occupational Therapist will begin by evaluate the child's current level of ability. The evaluation looks at several areas, including how the child learns, plays, cares for self and interacts with his environment.
The evaluation will also identify any obstacles that prevents the child from participating in any typical day-to-day activities. Based on this evaluation, we create goals and strategies that will allow the child to work on key skills.

Special Education

Special education is an additional service that helps create a supportive environment to ensure that all students' educational needs are provided for. It helps provide the context for their cognitive development various psychological and behavioural difficulties manifest themselves in the forms of reading and writing issues, inability to concentrate or comprehend instructions, difficulty in expressing needs both physical and emotional. These difficulties impair a child’s ability to learn in a traditional classroom setting. The children with additional needs require hand holding and support to function effectively, Tailor made IEPs and collaboration between a special educator and the teachers help such students cope with the demands of a classroom education.

Social Skills Group

Deficits in social behaviour are a hall mark characteristic of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Group Therapy program is designed to enhance social communication behavior, emotional behaviour, play skills, and also the failure to develop meaningful friendships and prosocial relationships in children with autism. Research says that when students have positive social relationships, they enjoy and do better in school. (Ladd, Birch &  Bubs, 1999).  Thus by teaching social behaviour, the children we serve may gain collateral skills with no additional time or cost.  Social behaviour may lead to higher rates of peer approval for individuals diagnosed with ASD as well as the development of meaningful friendships.  We do not teach social behaviour such as joint attention, observational learning, joining in, or winning graciously just so that the individual can display these skills.  We teach these skills, and other social behaviours to increase the likelihood that the individual has positive, prosocial relationships and friendships.

Play Therapy

Children with autism may play differently than other kids. They’ll likely focus on parts of a toy (like wheels) rather than the entire toy. They don’t do as well with pretend play. And they may not want to play with others.But to many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), playing is the way they express themselves -- their toys and their actions may become their words. Play can help children with ASD learn and connect with other people, both children and adults, in a format that they understand.Many experts offer play therapy to children who’ve been diagnosed with ASD. Play therapy can improve their social and emotional skills, help them think in different ways, increase their language or communication skills, and expand the ways they play with toys and relate to other people.

School Readiness

The prerequisites or the essential skills required for the classroom that we are uniquely equipped to work on within our center environments are Staying seated in a chair and/or at circle time, Following instructions and completing tasks, Paying attention and responding to teachers, Learning in a group setting, Lining up, Being aware of personal space and body awareness, Self-care skills (e.g. using the restroom, washing hands, feeding self), Eating lunch around others, Playing cooperatively and interacting with peers, Leaving the home to attend a new place with new people. The above mentioned areas are simultaneously addressed, while the child is given one on one individual therapies.


Children with Autism often do not naturally know how to behave in relation to the world around them, they can often feel or be made to feel as though they are doing something wrong. Yoga offers a structured, focused activity with no right or wrongs.


The developmental delays could possibly affect the children’s gross and fine motor skills. The goals of physiotherapy to gather information from parents, clinical physicians and other multi-disciplinary team members. The role of the physiotherapist is to take care of autistic children with motor impairments in the body.
Children with ASD have poor motor performance, hence it is recommend that early intervention programs focus on motor development.
Physiotherapists can stimulate the learning of functional motor skills to help the child compensate for motor skills disturbances.
Physiotherapists should engage in plays based therapy/exercise interventions, where they can teach the children to be confident and comfortable of their bodies. This will lead to better outcome in the
future for many children with ASD.

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